As I look at the RC of Windows 7, I have to wonder (longingly) where - no how - did IBM screw up so badly? I'm not just talking about the loss of their OS/2 user base (which they screwed over), but all the smaller developers that invested so much into OS/2, which was the most stable PC OS platform (except for AmigaOS) for its time, with application segmentation that is still not even approached by Windows. And Win32s wasn't such a bad API. wasn't. Honest. 
Not to mention that was my first introduction to Galactic Civilization and Stardock. I still have (someplace) my GalCiv for OS/2.
It is a shame though. I thought for sure IBM would pull out when the Air Force and Navy bought ~300,000 copies of OS/2, but instead that turned out to be the end.